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*laughs in kotoamatsukami*
O r o c h i m a r u
Just fillers
Dark Memes (6)
Dark Memes (5)
Dark Memes (4)
Kratos has a brother. Whaaat?
Persona 3
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle (PS4)
Attack on Titan PS4
Who is your waifu !!!
Would you survive? Zombie Apocalypse
Anime World
Wow Nice keyboard
Genshin Impact tips (1)


Buying games

Imagine having this kind of collection is very nice !! Where your kids could experience the classic games !!

Minecraft tricks

This video is quite fascinating to watch and to know some tricks.

how the sounds of minecraft were made

I love how he make the music of fire by using  bubble wrap

RPG equipments

Stats will always be the best choice !!

Freedom Fighters

I haven't play this but I am glad to hear it didn't have game passes lol.

Scammer gets scammed

I don't know what is he doing but the conversation to the scammer make me laugh.

things only 3% of humans could do

Wow I can do the eyebrow trick lol both of it. I was terrified when some people trying their eyes look visible by pushing them. I was amazed only 2% are effective multitasker.

Tribal people try spicy ramen

I love how they adopt how to use chopstick, the smile for their face and their action make me smile. They didn't demand for fork they try their best !!

ping pong shots

While watching this I imagine myself being like them were hitting the ball is precise and have power. Those trick shot takes time to perfect.

Mewtwo display

Japan always fascinate me for making games to reality !! 

Early Access

This is one of the reason I check the comment section and some gameplays review at you tube.

undertale sounds with guitar

WOW !! I love the part where he play the megalovania !! So cool !!

Just your typical Rust server

Wow !! HAHA I don't know this is kind a toxic but it's still it's just a game. LoL

among us

Woa I love how he uses different objects as a medium for making a sound effect !! 100% creativity.

This was me with PUBG

I love this game but it's demand is pc specs is kind a high so I always play at ultra low settings.

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