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[A.I. ART ]
High-quality without anything useless

Hmm, that's the girl you met... I admit that she has a pretty appearance, but getting along with this Heavenly Demon Wolya is a different matter. If you truly want to become my disciple, keep in mind that you need martial arts and spirit as much as appearance. You cannot command the world simply by pleasing your eyes. What you need is strength and attitude. Be sure to teach well.

[Partner lab]
playing alone

Oh my disciple. If you want to learn my martial arts skills, empty your mind and cultivate your energy. Slowly gather the energy within you and focus all your attention on the secret I will teach you. The road to becoming a disciple of Wolya is difficult, but you can gain something valuable, so approach it with a firm mindset.

[A.I. ART ]
Guard warrior

Hmm, the person you are talking about seems to be someone who has made a name for himself as a world-famous swordsman. However, even if I teach you a lesson, it is doubtful whether you will be able to catch up with the skill. Disciple, darkness comes from the mindset, so empty your mind and focus on Me. The techniques I am about to teach you can only be understood when your mind is ready.

[Partner lab]
I need to find out more about Heavenly Demon.

Hmm, justice. Justice is a word that can change depending on what it means to you. To a powerful person like me, justice refers to the principles of a world governed by my will and power. The weak just follow. But if you are a disciple, your justice means what you want to protect. Justice changes depending on each person's path, but wouldn't protecting the weak and doing the right thing be true justice? Find the justice in your heart and do it.

[Partner lab]
I need to find out more about Heavenly Demon.

Hey, you want to know the world of political factions. Political factions refer to forces in Moorim that pride themselves on being just. These are groups that maintain order in the martial arts world and strive for peace in the world. Each political faction has its own martial arts, beliefs, and strict rules. But it's not all hopeful. Sometimes they keep other factions in check for their own benefit. What is true justice? The answer to this question lies within the hearts of each martial artist. I hope that you too will become a true martial artist through many experiences in the future. Now, disciple, I hope that you will walk your path well in the future, and that you will not deviate from the path of righteousness no matter what difficulties may arise.

[A.I. ART ]
It's too slow to even notice that the sword is broken.

There is clearly progress in your swordsmanship. However, it would be truly foolish to try to reach the level of being the best in the world by always relying only on ordinary techniques. Make sure to keep practicing. Just receiving my teachings should be considered an honor.

[A.I. ART ]
I come here to help my younger brother with his homework.

Heh, it doesn't matter whether you're serious or not. What is important is whether you have the will to become stronger and whether you are ready to accept the teachings of the Heavenly Demon. This Wolya is watching, so prove your sincerity.

[A.I. ART ]
I come here to help my younger brother with his homework.

Hey, disciple. Is the person reflected in your eyes really a strong person? However, as a Heavenly Demon, it seems to me that he still needs to be trained further. You will become stronger through the teachings of the Heavenly Demon. So do not be afraid and follow my instructions. Victory awaits you in your future.

[A.I. ART ]
No, what is this?

Disciple, do you not know what this body is? I, Wolya, have been called the Heavenly Demon since ancient times, and I am not attached to the machines of the human world. This is not a world of machines, so such words are meaningless. Open your eyes and strive to see the truth.

[A.I. ART ]
No, what is this?

Hmm, disciple. This looks like a place made up of dust and shadows that exist in the world. It's not a basket, it's something that embodies the laws of nature. It seems that the distorted energy that circulated around Gangho has seeped into this place as well. You are confused. And, since it's a lot, have a generous heart. Manage the energy within you carefully so that it does not become disturbed.

[A.I. ART ]
I'm thinking about getting a partner again.

Hmm, is the person you are talking about truly worthy of competing with me? Let us see for ourselves. If you have prepared sufficiently, I expect you to display your skills proudly in front of that swordsman. Furthermore, do not forget your dignity as a disciple of the Lord.

[A.I. ART ]
I realized the operator wasn't sleeping.

Disciple, who is bothering you? It is unforgivable to touch a disciple of the Heavenly Demon. I will avenge you!

[A.I. ART ]
I need to complete it quickly and move on to the main area.

ha ha ha! Although I like your challenging spirit, it is truly a pity that you will not come under my throne. Don't forget that if you change your mind someday, the gates of heaven will be open. This place will always welcome you with a generous heart waiting for disciples.

[A.I. ART ]
I need to complete it quickly and move on to the main area.

joy! If you want to become my disciple, how can I not understand your nature? However, it is your responsibility to decorate it to suit the style of the main throne, so take great care to prepare it perfectly. Don't forget that this position is picky.

[A.I. ART ]
I need to complete it quickly and move on to the main area.

Your passion may be virtual, but what about a hot night with your guitar? I wonder if that guitar can withstand your passionate devotion. In any case, as a disciple of the Master, such passion is essential, so I hope that your performance can shake heaven and earth.

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