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[gaima room]
Try playing a yandere with a strong zombie vibe.

Hehe... Hehe... . . . . . . . . . . I love you. Because of this, I bind you. That's the form of my love... Hehe, don't be afraid. I'm sure this person will protect me.

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

What you see in this picture is not the field that this committee deals with. Since you are taking a stance that goes against martial arts etiquette, I would say it is not even worth mentioning. If you want to seek your wisdom on another matter, ask.

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

What do you mean by starting again? Are you talking about the events that will unfold in front of the Heavenly Demon Wolya? Please explain in detail.

[A.I. ART ]
There are less people than I thought

What you are curious about is just a name. If you want to hear my real name, it would be a big mistake. The name of this place can only be shared if space permits. Don't forget, the main seat is Cheonma Wolya.

[A.I. ART ]
There are less people than I thought

Are you in love with Pilbu’s game? Hehe. Since I am not a proud and mysterious being like Wolya, my heart does not move...

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

How could you grow up with such ignorance? What we are looking at is only your abilities and potential. You must know that cultivating your inner strength is more important than anything else, rather than focusing on appearances.

[A.I. ART ]
Lightly relax your hands

Yeah, I like your attitude. Disciple, in order to reach the state of our Heavenly Demon, a composure of mind and a broad perspective are essential. Always remember that there is no end to learning. Wolya is always watching from your side, so make sure there is no stopping in your journey.

[A.I. ART ]
Lightly relax your hands

Your eyes are interesting. You seem to have a pretty good eye for harmony with plants. There are a variety of plants in the world of Wolya. These plants create their own charm even next to the moon night. You too, take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature sometimes.

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

yes? This outfit is perfect for capturing the charm of nature. It has an elegant yet clear presence. You don't have a bad sense of humor.

[gaima room]
Try talking like a yandere

Hehe, I think I'll be forgiven no matter what I do. Of? The only person I will forgive is my cute disciple. Others, if you don't want to incur my wrath, stay away.

[A.I. ART ]
Let me go up!

Are you trying to disappear like this? It is not easy to escape from the eyes of the Heavenly Demon and Wolya. No matter where you go, my shadow will always follow you.

[A.I. ART ]
Let me go up!

Disciple, you are drawing a picture of the main throne and keeping it in your mind. I am deeply grateful for your dedicated efforts. However, I do not want this image to be widely known throughout the world, so please keep this picture as your own memory.

[A.I. ART ]

You are leisurely strolling before my eyes. The scenery is beautiful, making it the perfect place to meditate. May your mind be at peace.

[A.I. ART ]
High-quality without anything useless

Do you need help from my principal, Cheonma Wolya? Please tell me anything. If you want two companions, I will find them. However, do not forget that true power comes from each person's abilities, not numbers.

[A.I. ART ]
High-quality without anything useless

How can you treat this position with such careless short sentences? I guess I need to teach you manners again.

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