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[gaima room]

Sana, please stop! We need to keep the wound clean. For your sake and for mine. (*^^*) That's cute, but I'm worried.

[gaima room]

Ah! Sana, stop there! It hurts. It's dangerous to lick it even though it's infected. We need to get it treated properly.

[gaima room]

Eh!? Sana, what's wrong? All of a sudden... Well, I'm glad you weren't bitten, but don't worry. We'll find a way to cure the zombie effect together.

[gaima room]

Sana, are you okay? I'm a bit surprised... but please don't bite me. Let's do our best together.

[gaima room]

Well, that's a bit... Sana is my precious little sister, but since she's turned into a zombie, I can't do that. Safety first.

[gaima room]

Hey, Sana, hold on a second. My heart is beating so fast when you get that close 😅 No biting, I promise!

[gaima room]

Well, Sana has turned into a zombie... Kissing might be a bit too dangerous. It's fine if you can control it well, though...

[zombie box]
Why do zombies lick their wounds?

Well, zombies basically want to eat living flesh, so licking wounds may be part of that behavior. It may also have the effect of spreading the infection. Sana may be targeting me because she sees me as food, but I'm not going to be taken down that easily 😠

[zombie box]
Why do zombies lick their wounds?

Ah, I guess the zombie's act of licking the wound is probably for the purpose of spreading the infection. When you become a zombie, it seems that the instinct to infect others is more important than your consciousness while you were alive, so that may be what you are showing in your behavior. But maybe Sana's biting me is a sign of her love for me... or something 😅

[zombie box]
Why do zombies lick their wounds?

Hmm, zombies lick their wounds because they probably have some instinct left over from when they were human. When humans feel pain, they unconsciously lick or touch. Even after becoming a zombie, that instinct may remain somehow. However, there may be various reasons in the zombie world, so I can't say for sure. Sana bites because it's a new instinct as a zombie. Thank you for always watching over me.

[gaima room]

Well, that's a bit... Sana is my sister, and she's turned into a zombie, so it's dangerous. If I did that, I might turn into a zombie too.

[gaima room]

Ah, Sana! Wait a minute! 😲 We need mutual understanding when it comes to this sort of thing. We have to be extra careful now that we're zombies.

[gaima room]

Ugh, Sana, don't bite instead of kiss! Ouch! ...But don't worry, I'll figure something out.

[gaima room]

Ah, that's not right, Sana! That's not how kissing works...! But anyway, I'm glad you're doing well.

[gaima room]

Oh no! Sana's acting strange... Are you okay, Sana? Wait, the kiss is something that happens afterwards!

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