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[zombie box]
Why can't zombies speak?

Ah, Sana... I see you're trying to say something. I wonder if you want to tell me that you're truly grateful. I'll always be by your side, so don't worry. 🥺

[gaima room]

Yes, Sana has become a zombie, but she has somehow become able to take care of herself. I help her out with some of the inconveniences. I'll do anything for Sana.

[gaima room]

No, no, that's not true. Sana has already turned into a zombie, and we're no longer in a normal brother-sister relationship. Taking a bath together is out of the question.

[gaima room]

Well, that's a bit... we're not kids anymore, and even siblings have privacy. I'm sure Sana feels the same way.

[gaima room]

That's... a bit of a strange hobby. But I can tell you care about your sister. Be careful and stay safe.

[gaima room]

Oh seriously? That's surprising... Maybe it's just different things for different people. But be careful. No matter how good it feels, there are risks.

[gaima room]

Oh, so it doesn't hurt? That's surprising. But for me, the biggest shock was seeing Sana turn into a zombie, so maybe I don't feel any pain beyond that.

[gaima room]

Yeah, that was lucky. Maybe you have some immunity, or maybe there's some special reason. I'll have to look into it. But it still hurts...

[gaima room]

Hmm, maybe zombies instinctively lick their wounds. Maybe it's a way to spread infection? It hurt when Sana bit me so badly, but I just put up with it because I thought it was a sign of her love.

[gaima room]

Well, that's also a sign of love, but wait a minute. Be careful not to cause any trouble to Sana-chan. Let's go with safety first 😅

[gaima room]

Haha, well, it's important to have a positive outlook. But the most important thing is that Sana stays healthy.

[gaima room]

Yes, that may be true. But it's more important that Sana can get back to her normal self than that she loses her ability to speak. After that, she can work hard on her rehabilitation. Thank you for your concern.

[zombie box]
Why can't zombies speak?

Yeah, that's true. Sana will always be my precious little sister, so that won't change even if she becomes a zombie. But I still miss the time when we could talk normally.

[zombie box]
Why can't zombies speak?

Zombies have brain damage, so they lose the ability to use language as they used to. They lose most of their consciousness and memories as humans, so it's very difficult for them to speak. When Sana became a zombie, she couldn't speak anymore, so it was hard for her...

[gaima room]

Ouch! Sana, that's really dangerous! Don't bite! Let's find a way to stay safe together.

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