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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
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drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..



I have to be honest, it's been a while since I played LOL. I guess I missed 5 seasons, damn I'm so behind. 

New LoL Skins Teaser Trailer - Shan Hai Scroll

I'm out of place too, LOL has many champions now since I last play it. 

Baby Spare Tire

Aha! So that's how it will grow! LMAO

A friendly reminder from the local librarian

I'll be on my computer playing online games all day. 

Film triple threat

Thanks for the recommendation bro. 

Those legs are fiiii-ine.

It made my eyes big and roll 

When I was on drugs.mp4

The power of ramen! It will bring you on cloud 9! 

Pink Hair Twice Sana.mp4

she look like those anime wifuuuus

Free internet accesss

is this legit bro? I love free stuff!! 

21 things you can do in 2021 to make it the best year of your life - an article

Take an afternoon nap is my fav on the list! 

Suzy Bae

While waiting for the 2nd season, I will re-watch the season 1!

Sneakers are winners

Yeah, that's how I judge personality too he he 

A collection of travel photos in Singapore last year

I want to visit Singapore too! 

AI abuse. Robot abuse. It's terrible.

So that's how they test robots .. mmmm

How Clam Hides In The Ground.mp4

same thoughts here, it is zoomed? 

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