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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
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drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..



Making notes so he won't share the same fate. Wise guy....


hahaha I love these kind of torture! 

Why are you selling jelly?

I wanna poke it all day.

Ketchup or Mayonnaise?

Maybe I'm weird too for liking mayo mmmm...

Something to motivate you

Leaving our comfort zones sometimes won't hurt us. No improvement if we'd stay stagnant. 

Ramen party for the weekend

wwooooaah! Can I join this party? 

That has never stopped me from still doing it

It feels like a head massage and the I got dizzy.

I miss the starry night sky in our place

It is one of my dreams to have a roof deck and able to star gaze. 

Indispensable to the console.gif

I am dying, I believe I'm on 5 fps all the time

Doublelift Vayne Pentakill

I would never like to see him at any of my match! hahaha

Green Smoothie

Yeah, no pain no gain. 

Green Smoothie

Now I am hoping it is not bitter! hahaah

Introvert days

No eye contacts and walking fast! ha ha ha 

Don't leave me my friend

Another scenario that I had was taking a street full of dogs. I have to pass on them to get home. I hate my life. 

PUBG Battleground Am I a little late?

hahaha, I want that kind of saving.

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