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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
Relatable memes
drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..


Life is hard..

Even choosing is hard hahaah, but thanks for the thoughts

Look at this cute dog!

The disorder makes him cute! I wouldn't mind keeping him. It looks so cuddly! 

Beach please

I envy you! I can smell that fresh sea breeze!! 

Funny diet

Do the diet after that hahaha

Game addict

Sometimes if I get carried away. 

Coke is life

Sipping from the table that's what I do.

Pro Boxing Heavyweight Speed.mp4

he got some awesome moves there

Two types of playing game

The serious one at first then the hyped one after not getting it right. 

Counter Strike Surprise Play.mp4

Turn up your volume and hear the footsteps! 

Genes that give people superpowers

Mutations, needs some tweaking in our DNA. 

Korean Marine Corps Firearms Inspection.mp4

He has superb eyes for the inspection

Cat's Personality Level.mp4

I totally agree! That cat has good paw-fighting skills

Akali Outplays..... Akali

Wwooooaah I can't unseen that! What happened there????

This is relatable. But hey, as long as you're having fun it's okay

 Not at all, I play without boundaries or depending happiness with others rank. Let's play and have fun. 

Call of Duty Modern Warfare exciting scene

A comeback they never expect. 

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