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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
Relatable memes
drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..


No! No! No! No!

Me on my mom when she leaves the house for groceries. Nooo noo noo I wanna come with yaaa! 


Whaaaat? That kitty loves rain?!

Stop it

I send virtual kisses and hugs hahaaha 

Driving Skills, Judgment Legends.mp4

That was intense! Looks like GTA badass 

Big Hamster Forgetting Peanuts.mp4

the ASMR effect is relaxing

Korea Landscape Photography Legend

It looks great! Seeing traditional to modern style of buildings. 

Look at how beautiful this beach is

From the sky to the seashore, it is a natural art. 

I never knew Dunkin Donuts cereals existed

That makes the two of us now. 

I really love wholesome comics like this

aweee, that is so cute! 

I'm gonna die because my eyes are sore

get some eye drops bro

Real Tough Russian Man.mp4

I'm more concern with the red jacket guy

Kaisa has a disability

now she is blind? WTF please check the chatbox after that hahah 

Battle Realms Zen Edition Update

Ohh battle realms! You are the reason why I lost a lot of money from computer shops before..

Pokémon Merchs

I am starting to count them to figure out how much I spent collecting them haha

I'm sure there are lots of RPGs like this, especially during the 2000s

haahhaa this is so lit! very nostalgic 

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