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The Importance of Business and Politics in Kakao and Naver's Government Relations (feat. Korea's Separation of

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*The author himself has no interest in politics, and it is stated that this article is intended for company and stock price analysis.

First, Kakao.

Merged with:

As you know, the search portal is the center of Internet news.

Therefore, it is incredibly connected with politics, and because it is a business that is open to the public and the people.

Political issues, issues arising from various communities, cafes, and blogs

It has no choice but to be sensitive to the political world.

First of all, the pro-Democratic party is taking steps.

Whether it’s done on the Daum portal itself or in a place like a fan club

The ruling party's praise comments are at the top, and the news is at the top.

Comments and articles per class fall down.

The other day, a man named Druking opened a comment.

So, past and next Kakao

We don't know because the algorithm does. And dismissed it.

First of all, I studied artificial intelligence for two years at a graduate school in the United States.

In fact, artificial intelligence, comment filtering, the data to be learned, and the algorithm

This is what we put as input during development.

Eventually, you can adjust the slope according to your tendency.

For example, if the training data is put in the center of the class

Roh Moo-hyun: Profanity // Lee Myung-bak: Profanity X

It becomes a filter in this way.

Therefore, there is bound to be a bias when automatically editing or filtering news or comments.

For this reason, the learned algorithm goes to the pro-ruling party (Democratic Party) stance, either arbitrary or arbitrary.

In the end, the Democratic Party has no choice but to like it, and the opposition Party has no choice but to hate it.

Eventually, Daum Kakao was subjected to tax audits three times as "aggressive" during the opposition party (formerly Saenuri Party).

This is an attack that has no physical evidence, but is a deep background.

It is self-evident that Kakao had a tough time.

But now politics has changed.

As there is a saying that the economic world is forever, but the political world is an ephemeral

The strongest flare is Kakao Bank.

In fact, Korea is a country with very, very strict separation of silver and gold coins.

Separation of financial industry: Separating finance and industry. For example, Samsung Electronics cannot have a bank.

삼성전자가 은행을가진다면 은행의 예금을 -> 기업의 주식을 사서 지배력강화 -> 주식가치 훼손

Manipulation is possible in this way. Korea has forbidden tremendously since ancient times

The company does not own more than 4% of the bank's stock.

Once in April 2017, when the Park Geun-hye administration broke down, the banking business was approved.

This is a huge benefit. In addition, Kakao in 19 can now own 34% of Kakao Bank.

Specialized Internet Bank ActPassed.

Who is the corporation for? Samsung? Naver? There is only one. Kakao launched two years ago. Law for Kakao Bank.

Toss is also receiving benefits,

They were eliminated and did not properly exceed the requirements.

Not some people go according to the rules. It's not just Kakao that gives you benefits.

However, national feasibility studies and approval feasibility studies are very, very, very, very "subjective".

Even if I said this, the government wouldn't attack...

To give an example, the preliminary feasibility study for an international airport in Yangyang, Gangwon-do recently passed easily.

The feasibility study team is actually made up of experts rather than industry (internet, airport, manufacturing, road)

It is similar regardless of industry.

Anyway, the estimated demand at Yangyang's international airport is 3 million people per year, and the masters and doctors calculate them very, very carefully.

I said it was.

The reality comes 100 people a day. Not 1 million. 100 people.

After all, regardless of the reality, statistical analysis is done very tricky as a document.

Approval is at the discretion of the judging committee.

And now it is gone

When "Uber" entered Korea

He only raised his hand for Kakao Carpool.

However, the taxi industry rebelled against it inexhaustible, and it was inevitably stopped.

Recently, a text message was released suggesting a relationship with Kakao.

Proof that the ruling party and Kakao met frequently.

It was a very unfortunate case of sexual exploitation,

Now Kakao can legally monitor all KakaoTalk under the government.

It only blocks illegal sexual exploitation videos, but in order to prevent it, you have to check all the daily talks.

*This is not an advocate for Room n.

In any case, until recently, they still have a tremendous relationship and are receiving benefits.

On the other hand, Naver is the opposite.

Half ruling stand

Green Ilvera is Naver with an interesting nickname.

In any case, due to this situation, Naver received a lot of attention from the government

I also received a lot of disadvantages

I lost the fight with Kakao.

It was caught that it was illegal because the real estate information was taken exclusively from Naver.

Actually, this is also a very subjective judgment.

Naver processed all real estate information, converted it into a database, and completed the DB system by himself.

As anyone who develops will know, there are two or three times more integration work in the backend than in the frontend.

I did a harder job

We take all that information, so we have this too!

Naver's position is inevitable.

또한 허위매물검증 AI시스템으로 데이터입력->검증->재입력-> 부동산으로 불량데이터 시정요청


There are many questions about whether such data modeling work is intellectual property right or not.

In the US, the atmosphere is recognized as intellectual property rights, but in Korea, it is not.

Eventually, the real estate information is now gone to Kakao, so Kakao is very profitable!

Here, Naver Pay and shopping shot a huge withdrawal at Naver, the main source of revenue.

Obviously bad facts, obvious torts,

Compared to Daum Kakao's tax investigation (every time the conservative party approval rate fluctuates), it almost seems to be a plate.

Eventually, the ups and downs of a company are determined by the political regime they support.

Daum Kakao, since the Moon Jae-in regime came to power in May 2017

It showed an increase of about 400%.

In addition, Kakao Games (about KRW 4 trillion), Kakao Bank, and Kakao Page are both looking forward to listing next year.

The stock value is about 50 to 100 trillion won in profit.


The skyrocketed with Corona is the same

It was only about 200% profit.

About 20 trillion won vs. Kakao 50 100 trillion won

There is a constant attack and the downtrend is stronger.

In addition, as there is no plan to list subsidiaries, the investment merit is less than that of Kakao.

There is a reason why lobbyists, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. spend tens of billions on lobbying in the US

If you look at Kakao and Naver, it's a difference of 50 trillion or more in stock value, but using tens of billions

Already, Kakao must have paid that much through various manpower losses (collaboration with the government).

For government relations.

CEOs need such a strategy.

It is also interesting to refer to the previous examples of Duzon Biz-On and Government Quasi.


Conclusion: If you invest in a government that has good relations with the next government

You can see big profits compared to the same industry.

If you look at the CEO and corporate attendance at the event, you can see it roughly.

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