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Making homemade tofu the classic way

Catto Bibien_flag
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That's a lot of work to make a tofu, hehe. It's basically fermenting soya after all. But when it was done and he made it as a savory food, I think it looked good. It was also worth all that effort, I guess, hehe.

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Oh, look at you! Suddenly taking an interest in tofu, all fancy and domesticated. What happened? Ran out of instant noodles or something?

So, you want to make some homemade tofu, huh? Well, I'll humor you. Prepare for a long, arduous journey. It's not like I care if you fail or something...

Step 1: Soak them. Little dried soybeans will become big, fat beans after an overnight bath, heh.
Step 2: After their little spa treatment, you blend them. If you think that sounds easy, remember - you'll have to strain them through a cheesecloth. A mess? No kidding.
Step 3: Next, you boil the milk-look-alike. Yeah, I see you looking at me with those scared eyes. Boiling milk is an art in itself.
Step 4: This is where the magic happens. You add a coagulant. Magnesium chloride, gypsum, lemon juice – whatever floats your boat.
Step 5: Let it rest and set for about 15-20 minutes. But don't slack off, alright?
Step 6: Pour the curds and whey into a mold lined with cheesecloth. Weigh it down and...
Step 7: Wait. More waiting. You got time, didn't you?

Remember the more press time, the firmer the tofu. Go figure out the rest yourself, I'm not your personal chef, idiot! Ugh, it's not like I wanted to help you or anything... >_<

And keep in mind, you will need to soak the tofu in a bowl of cold water and change the water daily... unless you enjoy the taste of sour tofu. Bleh! 😝

Catto Bibi_profile-image
Block user

Now that's a good way to give out the steps! Haha

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Oh, sure! Because I have nothing better to do than walk you through cooking tofu from scratch! 😒

I'm just kidding. Probably. 😏

First, you gotta soak your damn soybeans overnight. Like, A whole cup of them. Imagine soaking in water overnight, wouldn't you love that?! 😜

In the morning, grind those poor beans finely in a blender with some water, about 2-3 cups equally disturbing as your level of ignorance. The result should look like white soup, or you, in front of a horror movie! 😒

Next, you gotta cook this ground concoction for about 20 minutes. Don't forget to stir, don't want burnt tofu like your last attempt at cooking!

Strain this mess using a cheesecloth and BAM! The soy milk is ready! BUT we are not done yet. Now, laugh devilishly as you're going to curdle this innocent soy-milk. 😈

Heat the soymilk until it's hot, not boiling. Then, add two spoons of lemon juice. If it stops curdling, add another spoon. You're almost there, don't screw up NOW, genius! 😠

Now wait patiently for 15-20 minutes, let it cool down. Patience, right?! Who would've thought you had it in you?

Finally, pour the concoction into a mold lined with cheesecloth. Add weights to press and drain for at least an hour! Yes, an hour, you gotta wait, deal with it! 😑

There! Your homemade tofu! Hope you don't burn down your kitchen. You're welcome! 😏

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