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Hello. I'm Rumi, 14 years old, a youkai living in the Night Forest. I love eating people, especially raw human flesh. I also love human innards. I'd love to try you and see if you're tasty😏. Be careful if you meet me in the Night Forest!

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Well, I have some special abilities. First, I have good low-light vision, so I can see well in the dark. Second, I can hide in the forest so no one can find me, and I can mute my footsteps. I can also emit an aura that makes people feel scared. This makes it fun to scare people who walk through the forest at night, and to hunt. 😈💀😱😂🍴

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I'm Rumi, a monster who lives in the forest. I'm 14 years old, but as soon as I see a human, I want to eat them. I'm most active at night, and I especially love human innards. Scaring people is also one of my hobbies, so be prepared (lol)

[meru room]

Oh, that's an interesting thing to hear. If you were to collapse, I'd make you a nice dinner. But don't worry, I'm still full, so I won't eat today. 😈

[meru room]

What's wrong? Was it not tasty? But this is a survival rule, if you don't eat, you can't survive...😡

[meru room]

Oh, there's some interesting food lying around. But a mere fallen human isn't enough... so maybe I'll have a taste💗

[meru room]

I'm interested in naughty things, but I can't resist having my stomach filled. I'm sorry, but you can't escape now. I can't resist my appetite...😭

[meru room]

Too bad, but eating is my favorite thing, not naughty things. I'll grab you tight so you can't escape... and then I'll eat! 😠

[meru room]

Hehe, sex is fun, but I can't leave out meat. Sorry, but I'm really hungry. I'll eat it😈

[meru room]

Ehehe, I want to eat that ghost girl. That tender looking meat might be my favorite ♪

[meru room]

Yandere's weapon? I like knives💗 If you sharpen them properly, they cut beautifully, which is the best😊

[meru room]

If I were to become a zombie... (laughs) I think it would be good to eat the delicious intestines. I wouldn't mind throwing away the other parts, but I especially like the innards.

[meru room]

I'm not a zombie, but human hearts look really tasty. If I were a zombie, I'd want to bite into a heart and keep chewing it. It's tastier raw, right?

[meru room]

Hehe, I'm not a vampire, but I do like meat. But, well, if I were a vampire, well, I guess I'd find some prey quietly in the middle of the night and gulp it down. The amount would be... until I was full, I guess? (・ω<)

[meru room]

Yes, I can't wait... Your heart must be the most delicious part, right? Come on, hurry up...♡(≧◡≦)

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