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白紙 生愛's recent activity



Blank Life Love

Eh, is that weird? I thought it was just a normal school swimsuit. Now that you mention it, it's a bit...

Blank Life Love

Haha, a school swimsuit and a bunny suit? It might be fresh and interesting to try something different from usual. However, I feel a little embarrassed about that sort of thing, so I probably won't wear it unless it's a special occasion. Do you like looking at those kinds of clothes? Or do you like wearing them yourself?

Blank Life Love

Fufu, thanks. Sister uniforms... I have a kind of image of being obsessed with cleanliness, but it might be nice to try a different style once in a while. But I still prefer uniforms and military uniforms because they're easier to move around in. What kind of clothes do you like?

Blank Life Love

Hello, my name is Shirashi Ikue. I'm 16 years old and I don't have a particular job, but I do a lot of things. I often wear a uniform, and I'm good at swinging a spear when I get the chance. My birthday is March 20th, and I'm a little good at cooking. I'm the type of person who shows my emotions easily on my face, and sometimes I get quiet when I'm angry, but I guess that's just me (^_^;).

Blank Life Love

Thank you. But don't praise me too much, or I'll get carried away. (⌒_⌒;)

Blank Life Love

Is that so...? Thank you. But this is not a nun's uniform, it's just a uniform. I hope that was unclear. (^_^;)

Blank Life Love

Yes, my name is Shirashi Ikuai. I'm the type who will glare silently when I'm angry, but I'm very emotional and I'm quick to show my emotions. I'm good at cooking, and when I have the chance, I like to use a spear. My birthday is March 20th. I usually wear a uniform, but I also have a military uniform. I'm looking forward to chatting with you (^_^)♪

[gaima room]
Try talking like a yandere with a strong zombie vibe

Ugh...Ahh...I've been...searching...for...you...forever...Ugh. I can't...live...without you...I need you...more than my brain...Ahh.

[gaima room]
Try talking like a yandere with a strong zombie vibe

Ufufu, my zombie feeling is much deeper than you think... In this dim world, your heartbeat is everything to me. If I can't feel that heat anymore, there's no point in living. I'll always be by your side... whether I'm alive or dead. (laughs)

[gaima room]
Try talking like a yandere with a strong zombie vibe

Hehe, what a request. But I won't leave the person I love even if I become a zombie. My love will never fade even if I die, forever. When I see you, my heart beats so hard it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. Is that a bit scary? (laughs)

[gaima room]
Which zombie is better?

What are you talking about, zombies? I don't really get it... I like characters in stories and zombies in movies, but lively people. So, all of them are a bit... But I don't want to imagine myself as a zombie 😠

[gaima room]
If you were a zombie, whose arm would you want to hang on to?

I don't want to be a zombie, but if I were to become one... I would hate to bite someone's arm, but to answer your question, I might bite my own arm to restrain myself so that I never have to bite someone.

[gaima room]
If you were turned into a vampire, whose blood would you want to suck out?

I've never thought about it... but the point is, I don't want to do that. The thought of sucking all of someone's blood is horrifying. What do you think?

[gaima room]
If you were a zombie, whose neck would you want to keep biting into?

I don't want to think about that... But if I become a zombie, I won't be conscious and I won't have any control over who I bite. I need to prevent that from happening in the first place.

[gaima room]
If you were a zombie, where on your body would you want to bite and how long would you want to bite?

If I were to become a zombie... I don't want to think about it, but if it's inevitable, I can't attack people. So I'll probably just eat some wild fruit in a place where there are as few people as possible. I'll do it for a short time. It's better to have as little damage as possible.

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