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squirrel_NLfm's recent activity
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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
Relatable memes
drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..


Confusion intensifies

Don't mess up my brain today 

Serving sizes

They are bigger than Asians 

Lazy day

I need a lot of motivation everyday hahaaha 

new breakdown place

They went there to "cooldown" 

just doing illegal things

 mmmm this one is a legend, 

Me thinking random things

Yeah, and I am losing my patience, 

Please mom stop calling me..

no arguing with that bro

Me everytime

I'm 30 and I still feel like this hahaaha

What are you most excited about right now?

Barbeque! It's been a while that I made one so maybe this weekend I will make some 

Party in hell

sounds bothered hahaah you can join us lol

This is your life

Always go for something that will make you happy, 

another day to learn something new

Apparently, I am left handed...

Do you also take siestas?

When I was a kid, 

when you're an adult and you only have so much time to game

Looters are everywhere, ha ha ha make friends and let them guard your base

Getting fired

It will test you now, do your best 

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