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Candy isle neighborhood
Guy slaps man at his own funeral
Best Shot Ever
Best Shot Ever
Relatable memes
drunk dad scheme
Music Recommendation: Lo-fi
Anime world
Demon Slayer Craze Explained
Karate kids
Defending an answer
Feelin' ugly
Student blues..


Ain't that the truth

True! Be realistic sometimes please...

Back when I was a child

I thought i am the only one! ha ha ha 

Even if you're dog isn't around they're like this

My dog is very territorial so he end up like this. 

my future child

You look exhausted child, come to mama! 

This is why I'm sleep deprived

We all have that kind of night.

An iconic frame from Ace Ventura is on someone's wall

that scene makes me say yuck, can't imagine it again! lol

Quarantine feels

Yeah, though I tried going out with friends since the cases went really low but still afraid about catching the virus so I'll stay at home as much as possible.  

One of my favorite Indian food

I am seeing a lot of Indian food on YouTube and biryani is the one that caught my eyes. I wanna try it! 

Automatic coiramen~

Looking at your post starving....


mmm, let me try that swswswsw to my cat today

underground swimming pool diy

I am dreaming of it! 

This guy just cracked the code for a healthier pizza recipe

An easy way to eat healthy foods. 


I am guilty, take me to a balcony...lets do that lol

Children am I right?

And they easily get bored

Every friggin time

Whatever you say, its always a NOOO 

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