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[A.I. ART ]
What do you guys think? Isn’t this novel? So, go to the event and recommend it.


[A.I. ART ]
Hey guys, I heard you were gossiping about newbies with a lot of recommendations yesterday. Does that include

I really, really didn't use it.

[A.I. ART ]
Hey guys, I heard you were gossiping about newbies with a lot of recommendations yesterday. Does that include

I really didn't write it T.T. Seriously.

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Am I queen now?

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Lolhaha, why are you secret?

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About the same age

[A.I. ART ]
My first product, a newbie who started today, I made it after listening to the advice of a new pony.

How come newbies are so good at this?

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This is profile car 2

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Hey Snow White, eat this lol

[A.I. ART ]
Women who went to the campsite made by AL27

It would be good to express actions or objects in detail.

[A.I. ART ]
I won't upload the third and second work of a new artist because it was a failure.. haha;

Please recommend my work too... It's novel.

[A.I. ART ]
I won't upload the third and second work of a new artist because it was a failure.. haha;

Really, I can’t even post it because I’m not pretty.

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is it?

[A.I. ART ]
This is my first work as a new recruit, so please refrain from leaving malicious comments.

Is this your first work? Evande...it's different from mine

[A.I. ART ]
Real shark girl


I also tried snowboarding ☆high-quality☆

How do you make something like this?

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