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[A.I. ART ]
A woman looking solemn
These people are so oblivious about this trick
[Everything ]
Using a hydraulic press on a blazing hot metal lock
Resident Evil 3 but it's 2D
[A.I. ART ]
An image of clouds and lightning
[Food & Cooking]
Making a small steak outdoors
When another player tries to ram you off in a race
[Everything ]
Mixing different colored clays
[A.I. ART ]
A bright rainbow hair of this woman
Game companies are really making it hard
[A.I. ART ]
A photo of anything related to London
Mom is asking why does her baby knows they are home
[Food & Cooking]
Meat stuffed with cheese and other ingredients
Man escapes the police after being left alone
[A.I. ART ]
A zoomed in photo of sand dunes by AI


Resident Evil 3 but it's 2D

Hahaha yea. Like some kind of a paper cut out

Game companies are really making it hard

These gaming companies are doing way too much to make it a hard time for gamers lol

Game companies are really making it hard

True, haha. It's the corporate heads that often don't know anything about games

[Everything ]
Using a hydraulic press on a blazing hot metal lock

That metal is really soft!

[Everything ]
Using a hydraulic press on a blazing hot metal lock

Haha yeah, it rarely happens, too!

Pretending that the mango is sweet

Hahaha yep! You are right about that. Good observation!

[A.I. ART ]
blond hair

I like the way this one looks, hehe

[Everything ]
Putting a hot metal ball on layers of foam

Which one? The hot metal ball? Haha

[A.I. ART ]
A photo of anything related to London

It looks cool, doesn't it? Hehe

Cat get surprised by this person from behind

Hahaha probably thinking a predator was there 😂

[A.I. ART ]
A pink sweater made by AI

A simple but nice sweater, hehe

[A.I. ART ]
A pink sweater made by AI

Yeah, looks like it is inside out! Good catch there!

[Food & Cooking]
A tortilla casserole for the moms

Do you like this kind of food? Hehe

A cat jumps after hearing a loud truck horn

Hahaha a very strong sneeze at that, too!

A cat jumps after hearing a loud truck horn

Haha that cat was really surprised!

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