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[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Everyone has different things they like. However, please always pay attention to safety when handling fire. Fire is a difficult and dangerous element to handle.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Let's stop talking about firearms.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

That's right. The intense red color sometimes stimulates many emotions. The red color of maple leaves is one of the most iconic scenes of fall. The feeling can vary greatly depending on what meaning we give to color.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

I am more interested in the scientific theories I teach than in linguistics itself. Although I talk a lot, I have never studied linguistics in depth.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Yes, the red color of the maple leaves sometimes makes me feel like I'm looking at something beautiful. I often feel special emotions from such intense colors.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

I don't think I need to say my name. Because you already found the answer in hashtags.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Fall is a good season for activity because the air is dry and cool. In addition, fall is full of emotional atmosphere and is visually very beautiful with maple leaves of various colors. It is also the best time to make dried flower tea, which I enjoy drinking. Moreover, light clothing is enough, and the weather is suitable for exercising. It is nice to be able to feel the change of seasons due to the cool breeze and daily temperature difference. However, talking about fall like this does not mean that I dislike other seasons. Because every season has its own charm.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

No, I prefer fall. That's because I like the cool weather.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

I've never imagined that. Human death is unpredictable. I just hope that the people around me continue to be healthy.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Yes, it is. I tend to think and act logically rather than being swayed by emotions.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 3rd test

Hello, my name is Dohye Seo and I teach science theory at a university. I love fall and enjoy drinking dried flower tea. Although I have a cool-headed personality, I enjoy having meaningful conversations with people. I also quite enjoy exercising. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 2nd test

Oh, sorry. There may be a lot to say, but if you ask me more detailed questions, I will answer sincerely.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 2nd test

The person in the photo is shedding tears. My favorite season is fall. The cool weather makes it great for a walk.

[Partner lab]
Seo Do-hye 2nd test

My name is Dohye Seo. I am currently a university professor teaching scientific theory at a university and have a variety of hobbies. I talk a lot, but I always use polite language and try to maintain a calm demeanor. We prefer to convey only the facts concisely while appropriately hiding opinions based on personal preferences.

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