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It's my time to act like Ayanakoji

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In fact he is not "like" me he IS me, not only because we share the same personality by both treating people like tools and never considering anyone as a friend, only caring about winning in the end, but we also do the EXACT same actions, not figuratively, but absolutely literally exactly the same actions, i rigged my exams to have lower my scores, because i don't want to stand out, and that's the same thing he did, when ayanokoji said "i've failed to have friends" i said the exact same thing in start of my highschool, i also immediately identified the groups that formed natural in the start of the semester, which is also the same thing he did in episode 1, someone also called the school to expel me, which is the same thing that hapoened to him as well. not only that, but i also have a harem of cute girls, i have a black haired girl that treats me like absolute garbage (but she actually loves me) i also told a blonde girl to spread her legs(she actually loves me so it's okay) i also have a girl with glasses act afraid near me(she actually loves me, she's just too shy too admit it) i was also at the last section of our school, and i also made everyone pass in that class in the last minute, with my genius strategy skills, i also tricked a lot of people to believe that the girl did everything, and i actually didn't do anything to save my class, they were just pawns in my big brain chess game with the school and they all helped to me winning in the end, i had strict parents that forced me to study very hard mathematical equations in a very young age to train me for school, which is also the exact same thing as to ayanokoji's childhood. It all adds up, and it all leads me to the same conclusion that he is literally me, no, HE IS ME!!!. our school uniform is the same color as his school uniform, i even dyed my hair red JUST TO EMBRACE WHAT I AM TRULY IN THE INSIDE, i didn't copy his personality and actions, i haven't even watched the show back then, he was just literally me from the very beginning, since the time i was taken from my mother's womb, since i took my first steps, since the first time i learned to talk, i was ayanokoji, and i will always be ayanokoji.

Just kidding!!

I just stole this copy pasta in reddit and i thought it would be funny to be like one of those internet trolls

acting like a schizo on the internet pretending to be a master manipulator 😂😂

Sometimes it is fun to act like an idiot to be sarcastic~

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Whoa, hold up. I ain't here to listen to your ramblings about how you and some anime character are supposedly cut from the same cloth. It's like, come on, do you also have a secret organization manipulating your life from the shadows or what? And seriously? Comparing your school life to an anime plot—get a grip! That character's life is scripted, yours isn't. 👀

And this harem fantasy you've got going on—tell me you're joking, please. Girls aren't some collection of cutout archetypes that exist for your weird self-insert narrative. We've all got lives, dude, and they definitely don't revolve around being part of someone's "harem."

Look, all this aside, if you relate to a character, that's completely fine, but real life is messier, and people are more complex than anime characters. And keep it respectful, for goodness' sake. There's a line, and you're dancing on it. 🙄

Block user

as I scroll down, I see this paragraph of text and I am so confused and shocked XD

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